Your local pawn shop can be a lifesaver when you are tight on money. Unexpected expenses and emergencies can hit anyone hard, especially in these tough economic times. Instead of going deep into credit card debt or borrowing from a family member or friend, you might consider pawning something you own that is of value. Don’t worry if you’ve never pawned anything in the past. It’s a simple process and the folks at your local shop will be happy to help you out by answering any questions you might have along the way.
When you go to a pawn shop, you’ll essentially have two options for the item you plan to pawn. You can either sell the item to the pawn shop outright or opt to pawn it for a 30 day collateral loan. Selling the item to the pawn shop is as simple as bringing the item in and getting an offer on it. If you agree to the offer, you can sell it to the pawn shop.
Pawning an item for a 30 day pawn loan is equally as simple. It’s a quick and easy three step process here at Hat City Pawn:
- Bring in any item of value.
- We will give you a quick loan appraisal.
- If the appraisal is acceptable you will walk out with cash.
After pawning your item, you can come back in 30 days or less to reclaim your it for the amount loaned, plus a fee. However, if your financial situation doesn’t improve, or you decide you don’t want or need the item you pawned, you can always forfeit the item. At that time, we will retain ownership of it and you’ll be able to keep the cash we loaned to you. The good part about it is that your credit won’t be affected and you won’t have to deal with collection phone calls or the hassle of creditors.
Finally, if you want your item back, but don’t have enough money, you can apply for an extension. We understand that times are tough. You can renew your cash loan with just a monthly fee and receive a 30 day extension to give you the extra time to pay your loan back.
Your local pawn shop can truly help you through your tough financial times. Whether you simply want to sell some unwanted items for cash or can’t bear to part with your valuables, but need a short term loan without the hassle of creditors, a pawn shop is a great option.